Thursday, 8 December 2011

Thursday 8th December

On Tuesday I started with what felt like really bad toothache on the upper right side of my mouth, it got progressively worse throughout the day which made me panic as the dentists here are even more expensive than the ones at home!
By Wednesday it had gotten so bad that during the night, every time I rolled onto that side the pain woke me up and I was wide awake from 5am. By this point the whole right side of my face was really painful to touch. When I got to school I googled my symptoms (apparently it could be a heart attack) but the most likely was that I had blocked Maxillary sinuses - affection of the maxillary sinuses causes an ache in the upper jaw (maxilla) and teeth. The cheeks become tender to touch. Apparently among others, this is brought on by persistent cold and flu symptoms, flights and high pollution.
Throughout the day this got worse until it felt like my right side of my face was throbbing. Painkillers made it a bit better but I felt awful being in lessons trying to be cheerful. I couldn’t face eating anything either at lunchtime so just sat at my desk feeling miserable. After school I went to Euro Plaza to try and get some antibiotics, but as no one speaks English (although I did find someone who spoke a little bit) and all of the medicine is in Chinese characters and the fact that I am allergic to penicillin, I didn’t want to risk it. Especially when the pharmacist said there was no penicillin in one of the antibiotics she was offering me, but there was the ingredients in English and I could see it said penicillin and the Pharmacist said “how allergic are you? It’s only a little bit”. The truth is, I have no idea how allergic I am to penicillin, but I sure don’t want to find out here in China, where I don’t even know where the nearest hospital is or how much of an allergic reaction to something I was told had no penicillin in I would have and how much that minor error would cost me in hospital bills!
Today (Thursday) I woke up with the right side of my face throbbing so decided to stay at home today and try and sleep it off. I have run out of Beechams and cold n flu stuff (and will be flying home before any parcels arrived if Matt posted more over) so I have just been taking painkillers which sort of helps. I just have to get through the next 11 days and then I will be able to go and see my own doctor back home. Looks like I am not going to be much fun on my leaving do on Saturday as well, when all I want to do is sleep!

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